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针对卧式冷室压铸机压室的工作环境 ,提出三种不同的热传递数学模型。使用ABAQUS软件模拟压室在工作过程中的二维温度分布的几何变形状况。对比模拟和试验结果 ,得到了优化的数学模型 According to the working environment of horizontal cold room die-casting machine pressure chamber, three different mathematical models of heat transfer are proposed. ABAQUS software was used to simulate the geometric deformation of the two-dimensional temperature distribution during the working process. By comparing the results of simulation and experiment, the optimal mathematical model is obtained
我没钓过鱼,却听人说钓鱼可以享受生机盎然的野外生活情趣,领略赏心悦目的湖光山色。而且钓鱼技巧甚多,从鱼饵、鱼漂、渔线、渔钩、渔竿,到水域、水流、水质等都需细细判断和选择。钓竿的颤动会带给人孩童般的欢乐,一竿在手,性情暴躁的小伙子也会“静如处子”。放线之坦然从容,收竿之激动愉快,想是钓鱼者之最大享受。我还听说,钓鱼者大多不喜欢吃鱼。正所谓“钓翁之意不在鱼,在于情趣过程也”。  翻开浩如烟海的古代典籍