
来源 :安徽医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gjx0128
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我们从1986年~1996年收治乳腺原发性恶性淋巴瘤8例。8例均经手术病理证实,现报告如下。临床资料一、一般情况本组8例均为女性,年龄18~66岁(其中1例未婚,1例哺乳期),左侧4例,右例3例,双侧1例。确诊前病程1~5月。肿块直径2.5~17cm,表面大多光滑,局部皮肤浅表静脉显露2例,肿块呈巨块或结节型,质韧有弹性,分界尚清,可活动;压痛6例,1例伴同侧腋下淋巴结黄豆样大小2枚(术后病理证实无转移)。8例均无乳头凹陷和溢液。8例胸片(一)。腹部B超无异常。8例术前针吸细胞学诊断乳腺恶性淋巴瘤3例,乳腺癌3例,乳腺恶性肿瘤2例(未分型)。 We treated 8 cases of primary malignant lymphoma of the breast from 1986 to 1996. All 8 cases were confirmed by operation and pathology. The report is as follows. Clinical data First, the general situation in this group of 8 cases were female, aged 18 to 66 years old (including 1 unmarried, 1 case of lactation), the left 4 cases, the right case in 3 cases, bilateral 1 case. The course of illness is 1 to 5 months before diagnosis. The diameter of the tumor was 2.5~17cm. Most of the surface was smooth. The superficial veins of the local skin were exposed in 2 cases. The mass was massive or nodular. The mass and toughness were elastic and the boundary was clear and active. There were 6 cases of tenderness and 1 case with ipsilateral side. The size of the axillary lymph nodes was 2 (postoperative pathology confirmed no metastases). None of the 8 cases had papillary depression and discharge. 8 cases of chest radiograph (a). There is no abnormality in the abdominal ultrasound. 8 patients with preoperative needle aspiration cytology diagnosed 3 cases of malignant breast lymphoma, 3 cases of breast cancer, 2 cases of breast cancer (not classified).
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