
来源 :中国残疾人 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lsfgis
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近年来,山东省沂水县先后有78名聋生从县聋哑学校毕业,大部分聋生要步入社会,如不切实解决好他们的工作就业问题,将是社会的一个不安定因素。沂水县太阳岛绣制品厂厂长王冲波为此付出了很多心血。他用金子般的爱心、无私的帮助,先后接纳了41名聋生到厂工作,为他们撑起了一片希望和爱的天空。王冲波对残疾人有着特殊的感情,1995年创立太阳岛绣制品厂开始,王冲波就主动到县聋哑学校联系,积极配合学校开设职业技术教育课程——绣制,自己亲任教师。但由于聋孩子们语言上的障碍,他们交流起来有困难。开始几天,无论他怎么比划,聋孩子们只是木讷地站着,就是不明白。这下王冲波急了,他连夜从学校借来《中国手语》,通宵达旦地学习日常用语的手势,不久他就能熟练地和聋孩子们交流了。绣制技术是个细致活儿,需要信心、耐心,聋孩子们学了几天便出现 In recent years, Yishui County, Shandong Province, there are 78 deaf students graduated from the county deaf-mute school, most of the deaf students to enter the community, if not effectively solve their job and employment problems, will be a social instability. Yishui Sun Island embroidery factory director Wang Chongbo paid a lot of effort. With gold-like love and selfless help, he accepted the work of 41 deaf students and set up a sky of hope and love for them. Wang Chongbo has a special feeling for handicapped people. Since the founding of Sun Island Embroidery Products Factory in 1995, Wang Chongbo has taken the initiative to contact the county deaf-mute school and actively cooperated with the school to set up a vocational and technical education course - embroidery. However, because of the language barriers of deaf children, they have trouble communicating. The first few days, no matter how he gestures, deaf children just quietly stood, just do not understand. Wang Chongbo was anxious. He borrowed “Chinese Sign Language” overnight from school and learned all-day language gestures overnight. He soon learned to communicate with deaf children proficiently. Embroidery technology is a delicate job, need confidence, patience, deaf children learn a few days will appear
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吴海峰,男,1 957年生,河南省清丰县人。1981年12月毕业于郑州大学经济系,后到河南省社会科学院从事经济学研究工作,1 995年被河南省委省政府命名为省管优秀专家、河南省跨世