
来源 :山东政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rmbsaxn
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亲爱的劳动英雄、劳动模范们:在今年农业生产运动中,你们积极响应政府粮棉增产的号召,带领群众战胜灾荒,组织变工互助,实行深耕细作,评选良积,防除病虫害,兴修水利,植树造林,完成夏收夏种,在农业生产各方面,都起了很大的作用,如劳动英雄张福贵,推动本村及村搞副业生产--运输、采石胶、石棉,全村都逊一分早熟粮,渡过了今春的灾荒。又如平平前松蕉区劳模刘春旭,主动联系村斡修筑河(土霸),保护庄稼一百一十二亩等等。这是深深值得推崇和表扬的,现在秋收秋种已经来到,在秋收秋种工作中,有两件重要事情,希望你们协助政府,带领农民把它做好。第一件是开展秋季选种运动。省府为开展秋季选种运动,已发出指示号召各地在秋收前普遍的开展田间选种,并有重点的进行良种评选工作,为明年大生产作好准备,为实现五年普及良种计划打下基础。这一工作必须充分宣传酝酿,把农民发动起来,有组织有计划的去进行才能 Dear working heroes and model workers: In this year’s agricultural production campaign, you are actively responding to the call of the government to increase the output of grain and cotton, leading the masses to overcome the famine, organizing mutual assistance, implementing deep plowing, selecting good plot, controlling pests and diseases, Afforestation, the summer harvest summer to complete, in all aspects of agricultural production, have played a significant role, such as labor hero Zhang Fugui, promote the village and village to engage in sideline production - transportation, quarrying, asbestos, the village one point Premature food, spent the spring famine. Another example is flat before pineapple area model worker Liu Chunxu, take the initiative to contact the village to build a river (soil tyrants), to protect 112 acres of crops and so on. This is deeply worthy of praise and praise. Now that Autumn Harvest Autumn has come, there are two important things in Autumn Harvest Autumn Harvest. We hope you will assist the government and lead the peasants to do a good job of it. The first is to carry out the autumn selection campaign. In order to carry out the Autumn Seed Selection Campaign, the provincial government has issued a directive calling for the widespread selection of seeds in the field before the autumn harvest and focused on the selection of seed varieties to prepare for next year’s large-scale production and lay the foundation for the five-year universal seed plan . This work must be fully publicized and deliberated, the peasants must be mobilized, and organized and planned to carry out their work
我一直都比较欣赏王菲的音乐,而他在王菲的音乐中扮演了很重要的角色 I have always enjoyed Faye Wong’s music, and he played a very important role in Faye Wong’s m