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在信息化时代,企业内部信息流的迅速、高效流通对管理质量起着至关重要的作用,尤其是在无纸化办公条件下,各类文本、图片以及其他数字制品的传递和流转大大增加,它们的流转速度和效率很大程度上决定着企业内部整体信息流的正常、高效运转,从而间接影响数字信息传达的及时性和准确性,甚至会影响企业高层的决策。面对越来越高的信息流通需求,单靠传统的异步通讯已无法满足信息流的时效性要求。建立一套企业内部即时通讯系统,作为异步通讯机制的有益补充,已经成为企业提高信息流管理水平的迫切需要。即时通讯系统适用范围极广,它可以渗透到日常工作中的各个环节,并促使各子系统间形成无缝连接,从而形成一个完整的信息系统,确保信息流在系统节点之间的实时、准确传递。本文简单阐述了连锁企业建立即时信息系统的必要性以及它的实现方法。 In the information age, the rapid and efficient flow of information within the company plays a crucial role in the quality of management. Especially in the paperless office environment, the transmission and circulation of various texts, pictures, and other digital products have increased dramatically. Their flow speed and efficiency largely determine the normal and efficient operation of the overall information flow in the enterprise, which indirectly affects the timeliness and accuracy of digital information transmission, and even affects the decision-making of the company’s senior management. In the face of ever-increasing demand for information flow, traditional asynchronous communication alone cannot meet the timeliness requirements of information flow. The establishment of a set of internal instant messaging systems, as a useful complement to asynchronous communication mechanisms, has become an urgent need for enterprises to improve the level of information flow management. The instant messaging system has a wide range of applications. It can permeate every link in the daily work and promote the seamless connection between subsystems to form a complete information system to ensure the real-time and accurate information flow between system nodes. transfer. This article briefly expounds the necessity of establishing an instant information system for a chain enterprise and its implementation method.
农历岁末年初,正是盘点收获、规划新年之际,中国石油和化学工业协会1月18日在京召开总结大会,回顾总结协会 2005年的工作,安排部署2006年的任务。总结大会由协会党委书记、名
我把琴行当成了我的琴室,一有时间就泡在里面,弹得手臂都抬不起来,内心却有说不出的欢喜。 I used the piano as my piano room. When I had time, I was soaked in it. I c
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