A secret plan 秘密计划

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  1. teal /til/ n. 蓝绿色
  2. disparaging /dsprd/ adj. 轻蔑的;毁谤的
  Michael Todd wore the same clothes every day for the first three weeks of school. When the other kids began to 1. (predict/notice) that he was wearing the same black pants and blue, teal, and gray longsleeved shirt day after day, Todd, a freshman at Martin Luther King Jr. College Preparatory High School in Memphis, became the target of laughter. But there was little Todd could do. His mother simply couldnt 2. to buy him new clothes.
  Two of the 3. piling on were Antwan Garrett and Kristopher Graham, a pair of freshman football players. But over time, they realized that their disparaging words felt like bullying and seemed to be slowly destroying Todds 4.
  (spirit/dream). “I felt like I needed to do something,” Graham said. So he and Garrett created a plan secretly. They went home and hunted through their own drawers and closets. The next day at school, they met Todd at their third period class and asked him to come into the hall. Todd was understandably 5. (crazy/worried) about being called out by the larger boys.
  “He wasnt smiling, and I was like, ‘I think this is going to make you smile,” Graham said. “I told him, ‘Were in the same third period, and I 6. (long/apologize) for laughing at you, and I want to give something to you to make it up.” He then 7. (handed/sent) Todd a large and heavy bag. Inside the bag were clean shirts and shorts, plus a brandnew pair of sneakers. Todd was blown away. “I was very happy and completely shocked.” And Todd got much more than a new 8. (shirt/wardrobe). He no longer sits alone at lunch. Now he eats with his new friends, Garrett and Graham. “Ive been bullied in my entire life,” Todd said. Reflecting on the day Garrett and Graham called him into the hall, he added, “It was the best day of my entire life, basically.”
  Fill in each blank with only one word or select the right items given in the bracket according to the context.
  Difficult sentences
  1. Inside the bag were clean shirts and shorts, plus a brandnew pair of sneakers.
  2. Todd was blown away.
  【点石成金】blow away在该句中意为“使某人很高兴”。
TAKE1  London and Paris are two of Europe’s biggest tourist destinations, just a few hours away from each other by road or rail and an hour’s distance by air. Well, though train-ferry is budget-saving
不管你再糙,和她约会前总是想要让自己看起来更有型一点儿吧?当你看见这期杂志的时候离情人节应该剩下不到半个月的时间了,是不是有种紧迫感?真的来不及再抱佛脚了吗?  当然不,如果你—直有在认真做皮肤护理,我们要给你介绍情人节当天的密集护理及造型指南;如果你平时没在好好护肤,我们也给你准备了情人节前倒数7天开始的护理重点及就算提前4天去做也来得及的微整形项目,让你能在情人节前快速焕然一新。  倒数7天这
【摘 要】学习者仪表盘是处理并向学生呈现有关其学习行为数据(比如出勤率、上图书馆次数、成绩等)的一种图表界面。这项研究收集了来自英国一所大学24位毕业班学生的数据,旨在探讨本科生对使用学习者仪表盘的反应。这是一个尚未得到充分研究的领域。研究表明,与反馈素养一样,学习者仪表盘的使用也涉及一种素养,这种素养包含知晓、身份建构和行动三个成分。这些概念有助于我们理解学生对学习者仪表盘的态度。本文还简要阐
ICDE官网7月6日报道,“教科文组织哈马德国王奖”(UNESCO King Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa Prize)主要针对ICT的教育应用奖励教学与学习中的创新项目,鼓励运用技术改善教育结果。  作为UNESCO的合作伙伴,ICDE具有提名权,其成员组织也可以成为候选人。为了促进学习,ICT更多用于个性化学习、差别化教学、课堂外教学场景的燃料学习,以及分享资源、合作、规范
在經历一个不可思议的夜晚后,是什么让“我”度过了一段平静的时光?又是什么打破了这种平静?  Before he could touch me, I jumped off the bed and ran downstairs into the garden. I stayed there all night, but I could not think clearly. I was afraid.
【摘 要】随着人工智能技术的发展与大量教学理论的提出,研究者对未来学习图景的素描也日趋多样化和复杂化,智能技术正在将想象逐步变成可能。采用科学、有效的方法进行相关性研究将有助于我们了解这些图景要素与目前学习现状之间的相关性与差距,为研究者和实践者提供基于数据证据的预测借鉴,以及为如何推动未来学习提供参考。基于此,本文采用文献计量法和质性元分析方法对近十年内未来学习研究相关的论文、报告、访谈、视频
【摘 要】   高辍学率是国内外远程开放教育面临的一个重要问题。研究远程学习者的辍学原因对于远程教育机构有效降低辍学率,提高办学质量和效益,帮助更多的远程学习者完成学业,实现教育公平等都非常重要。本文采用质性研究方法,对辍学者本人、授课教师、辅导员和管理者分别进行了开放型访谈,运用质性分析软件Nvivo8进行编码和分析。归纳出远程学习者的辍学原因主要体现在工学矛盾、学习困难、学习动力不足和情感关怀
写前导练——话题风暴  Ⅰ.英汉互译  【话题单词】  1.性格;个性_______________  2.丰富的 _______________  3.一流的 _______________  4.习惯 _______________  5.参加 _______________  6.加强;强化_______________  7.美德 _______________  8.寄宿 _______
【摘 要】  采用分层随机抽样方式对5个省会城区中小学校进行教育信息化效益及影响因素调查,研究发现,绝大部分教师和学生对于信息技术应用效益的认可度很高;不同教师、学生群体对信息技术的认识及应用存在差异;信息技术在学校各方面的应用有待深入;信息技术应用的影响因素多层面多维度。由此,不断提升中小学校信息技术应用效益既需要充分发挥学生的主体作用,更需要形成学校教育信息化发展的良性循环。  【关键词】 教