【摘 要】
China drives a new type of globalization As a main beneficiary of globalization,China has f irmly committed to furthering its advancement.Beijing has not only s
【机 构】
the Institute of International Studies at Fudan University,
China drives a new type of globalization As a main beneficiary of globalization,China has f irmly committed to furthering its advancement.Beijing has not only strongly supported free trade worldwide,but also advocated various forms of global governance.It is apparent that since 2012,when China convened the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China
China drives a new type of globalization As a main beneficiary of globalization, China has firmly committed to furthering its advancement. Beijing has not only strongly supported free trade worldwide, but also advocated various forms of global governance .It is apparent that since 2012, when China convened the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China
The world is undergoing tremendous changes and adjustments. While some developed countries are seeing a decline in influence, emerging countries are ratcheting up their infl uence on the rest of the w
【摘要】现阶段,在高校不断发展的同时,校内固定资产的数量也在不断增多。正因如此,校内在固定资产管理方面的问题也逐渐的显露出来。此篇文章首先对高校内固定资产的管理现状进行分析和阐述,并针对其中的问题提出相关的有效解决措施,以强化对固定资产的管理水平。 【关键词】高校 固定资产管理 现状 措施 一、现阶段高校固定资产管理的现状 固定资产一直以来都是高校发展和教学的基础,所以必须对其进行严格的管理
One of the most remarkable achievements China has made since the 18th CPC National Congress is in ecological preservation. The goal of pursuing ecological progr
From the macro perspective of economic size and growth speed, China is the world's second largest economy, with its GDP growing 6.7 percent and reaching $11 tri
【摘要】本文从通信运营企业的业财融合管理需求出发,通过引入管理会计的理论与方法,从客户维度搭建业财基础数据库与评估模型。该数据库评估模型将业务、财务相关数据、流程等进行有机融合,把业财融合理念和业财信息的基础需求植入公司流程及系统中,构建了从上而下的管理决策需求和自下而上的信息支撑反馈体系,为企业规划、决策、控制与评估等提供专业化工具。 【关键词】业财融合 基础数据库 评估模型 通信行业发展至