今年 9月间,胡绳同志在上海治病疗养。我在去看望他的时候,他同我谈到 30年代中期上海左翼文化工作的一些情况。我认为这些意见对研究那一段时期的党史是有帮助的,因此将他的谈话大意作一个简略的介绍。11月5日他以病情恶化遽然与世长辞,我为之伤痛不已。想不到这一?
In September this year, Comrade Hu Shu came to Shanghai for medical treatment. While I was visiting him, he talked with me about some of the cultural work left in Shanghai in the mid-1930s. I think these opinions are helpful for studying the history of the party during that period, and therefore give a brief introduction of his talk. On November 5, he suffered with agony as he deteriorated. Can not think of this?