一 我们美丽的祖国,是一个有五千多年悠久历史的文明古国,从原始岩画、地画和早期帛画、漆画等朴拙生动的文物遗存看,我国绘画远在先秦时期就已产生。随之而兴的绘画理论,亦散见于先秦诸子百家的精辟言论中,如《左传》的画能“使民知神奸”论,孔子的“绘事后素”与“明镜察形”论,庄子的“解衣磅礴”论,韩非子的画“犬马难”,画“鬼魅最易”论,虽然片断不成系统,但却是中国画论的滥觞。 尔后的秦汉魏晋南北朝时期,伴随着佛、道、儒思想的活跃,帛画、漆画、砖画、壁画、卷轴画逐渐兴盛,助人伦,成教化,或帝王倡导于前,如汉武帝创秘阁置图书,汉明帝好丹青而建画室,梁元帝亲手绘制《职贡图》,鲁灵光殿、云台、麒麟阁等绘有名将贤臣画像;或达官贵人铺张于后,如长沙之马王堆之汉墓帛画,嘉祥武梁祠之汉画像石,内蒙和林格尔之汉墓壁画,敦煌莫高窟之北凉佛教壁画,以及顾恺之的《洛神赋图》,绘事已与社会生活密切相关,中国绘画的民族风格得以形成。
Our beautiful motherland is an ancient civilization with a history of more than 5,000 years. From the simple and vivid cultural relics such as primitive rock paintings, ground paintings and early silk paintings and lacquer paintings, the painting of our country has already been produced in the pre-Qin period. The subsequent theory of painting was also found in the brilliant discourse of hundreds of pre-Qin philosophers. For example, the painting of Zuo Zhuan’s theory of “making the people know the gods”, Confucius’s “painting” and “ On Chuang Tzu’s theory of ”solution“, Han Feizi’s painting ”dogma“, painting ”the most easy ghost“ theory, although the fragment is not a system, but it is the origin of Chinese painting theory. Later Qin and Wei Dynasties, Southern and Northern Dynasties, along with the active Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism, silk painting, lacquer painting, brick painting, mural painting and scroll painting gradually prospered, helping the human race, becoming educated, or imperial advocacy in the past, Secret Pavilion home books, Hanming Emperor is good Danqing and studio, Liang Yuandian hand-drawn ”job tribute map“, the Luling Guangdian, Haeundae, unicorn Pavilion and other famous virtuoso painted portraits; Mawangdui Han tombs painting, Jiaxiang Wu Liang Temple of the Han portrait stone, Inner Mongolia and Ringer’s Han tombs murals, Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes northern Liang Buddhist murals, as well as Gu Kaizhi ”Luo God Fu map", painting has been closely related with social life Related, the national style of Chinese painting was formed.