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家在农村,父母、姐妹和妻儿都是农民,家里有十几亩地,一年两季种庄稼。现在种地可跟以前不一样了,都实行科学种田。可是,父亲的种地观念始终跟不上时代发展的潮流。那是父亲已经习惯了日出而作、日落而息的生活。每天早晨,依旧是黎明即起,然后去田里劳动。夏暑季节,他依旧是在早晨五点钟以前到田里除草、松土、捉虫。待到上午八、九点钟才回家吃早饭,母亲还得给他温饭、热菜、馏馒头。我劝说父亲:“田地里的玉米秧苗上我刚喷洒过农药,哪有虫 Home in the rural areas, parents, sisters and wives and children are peasants, at home there are more than a dozen acres of land, two crops a year. It is not the same as the previous planting, but scientific farming is practiced. However, his father’s concept of farming has always kept up with the trend of development of the times. That is the father has been accustomed to the sunrise, sunset and interest life. Every morning, it is still dawn that is, and then go to work in the fields. Summer season, he is still five o’clock in the morning before the field weeding, loosening, catch insects. Until eight o’clock, nine o’clock to go home to eat breakfast, his mother had to give him warm rice, hot dishes, steamed bun. I persuade my father: ”I have just sprayed pesticides on the corn seedling in the field,
和谐思想是儒家文化的重要内容。儒家认为, “和”是万事万物生存发展的重要条件。荀子说:“万物各得其和以生,各得其养以成。”(《荀子·天论》)儒家文化把“和”与“同”相
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冬天那个惯常的日子里,乡村大地在一片干裂的期待中迎来了一场雪。雪花像鸟的翅膀滑过天空,漫过村庄的视野,顿然降在这片裸裎的泥土上。河川、村庄、老槐树、枯井,像一片零乱的羽毛,顷刻间有了共通的语言,记忆里缭绕着表述不尽的眷恋和怀想。  乡村是久远的,抒情了千年的河流在乡村的烟岚里揣味着悠久和永恒,枝杈峥嵘的村庄和广袤的原野,在漫漫岁月中一天天长高和延伸。雪花落在了掌心,即刻便会消融,短暂和久远的契合,
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