去年年末,在由美国《室内设计》(Interior Design)杂志中文版组织的“名人堂”(Hallof Fame)庆典上,我们见到了HSD水平线空间设计的创意总监琚宾。“名人堂”由《室内设计》杂志创建于1986年,是美国设计界一年一度的盛会,旨在奖励当年设计界为行业发展与壮大作出杰出贡献的个人设计师,是业内成就最高的荣誉,杰米·德雷克(Jamie Drake)、弗兰克·盖里(Frank Gehry)和菲利浦·斯塔克(Philippe Starck)等设计名家都是曾经入选名人堂的设计师。2007年初,“名人堂”进入中国,收入了登琨艳、马岩松、季裕棠等知名中国设计师。琚宾是进入“名人堂”最年轻的设计师之一。在琚宾个人信息的视频介绍中,每一句都很质朴,甚至还谈到了父母为他准备的粮票,很是真切。几周之后,在位于建外SOHO的北京工作室里,琚宾接受了本刊的采访。在阳光明媚、布满各类收藏品的会客室里,琚宾讲述了他这些年的经历。
Late last year, at the Hall of Fame event organized by the Interior Design magazine in the United States, we met with Vinh Binh, the creative director at HSD Horizontal Space Design. Founded in 1986 by Interior Design Magazine, Hall of Fame is an annual event for the design community in the United States to reward individual designers in the design industry for their outstanding contributions to the development and growth of the industry. , Design masters like Jamie Drake, Frank Gehry and Philippe Starck are among the designers who made the Hall of Fame. In early 2007, “Hall of Fame ” into China, income Deng Kun Yan, Ma Yansong, Ji Yu Tang and other well-known Chinese designers.琚 Bin is one of the youngest designers to enter into the “Hall of Fame”. In the guest introduction of personal information video, each sentence is very simple, and even talked about his parents for his food stamps, it is very real. A few weeks later, Kubin accepted an interview with a Beijing studio in Jianwai SOHO. In the sunny, full of all kinds of collectibles in the reception room, Bin guest told him all these years of experience.