下肢静脉曲张是常见病。长时间站立劳动的人如老师、售票员、理发师、工人、农民及中老年人都容易得这种病。得了这种病,患者自觉下肢沉重、发胀、麻木、隐痛、容易疲劳,脚背和内外踝部常有肿胀,下肢静脉显得很粗而突出,如蚯蚓状。 中医治疗宜忌 中医认为下肢静脉曲张系气滞血淤所致,淤
Varicose veins are common diseases. People who stand for a long time such as teachers, ticket clerks, barbers, workers, peasants and the elderly are prone to the disease. Got this disease, patients consciously lower limbs heavy, swollen, numbness, pain, fatigue, often swollen ankles on the instep and internal and external veins appear very thick and prominent, such as earthworm-like. Chinese medicine should avoid taboo Chinese medicine that lower extremity varicose due to qi and blood stasis caused by silt