1959年Prinzmetal 报道了一组所谓的变异型心绞痛患者,推测其临床综合征的原因是由于冠脉痉挛,但长期以来一直未能给予肯定回答。E70年代,人们在病人心脏手术时看到了冠脉痉挛的现象以及许多冠脉造影,才基本肯定了这一事实——冠脉痉挛。并从基础医学到临床进行了广泛、深入的研究。至于冠脉痉挛的机制探讨,学说众多,诸如植物神经系统失调学说、血小板学说、脂质假说等、其治疗包括硝酸甘油类。钙阻滞剂
In 1959 Prinzmetal reported a group of so-called patients with variant angina who speculated that their clinical syndrome was due to coronary spasm but has long failed to give a positive answer. The fact that coronary artery spasm was seen during the heart surgery of patients in the E70s and many coronary angiograms basically confirmed the fact that coronary spasm. And from basic medicine to clinical conducted extensive and in-depth study. As for the mechanism of coronary spasm, many theories, such as autonomic dysfunction theory, platelet theory, lipid hypothesis, the treatment of nitroglycerin. Calcium blockers