英联邦农业同土壤分局、编辑出版的《土壤与肥料(Soils and Fertilizers》)简称SF。是一个文摘类期刊,ISSN号0038-0782,代码为OS,由英联邦的英国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰、印度等30个成员国组成编辑部执行委员会,编辑部办事机构设在英国。《土壤与肥料》创刊于1938年,至今已经有50余年的刊史了,截止1987年它发表的论文文摘总数达250885篇(见表1),这个刊物的特点是收集广,取材新,速度快,密度大,年索引适用
Commonwealth Department of Agriculture and Soil Branch, edited and published “Soil and Fertilizer (Soils and Fertilizers”) referred to as SF. Is a digest journal, ISSN 0038-0782, the code is OS, by the Commonwealth of Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India and other 30 member states Editorial Board Executive Committee, the editorial office in the United Kingdom. Soil and Fertilizer was first published in 1938 and has been in circulation for more than 50 years. As of 1987, it published a total of 250,858 essays (see Table 1). This publication is characterized by broad collection, new material, Fast, high density, year index applicable