CPhI Worldwide Hosted more than 34,000 Global Pharma Professionals with Expanded Content and First A

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  In November 2013, CPhI Worldwide, organised by UBM Live, celebrated the closing of its most successful show to date with pre-audit figures estimating more than 34,000 attendees and 2,200 exhibitors. Held in Frankfurt, the show hosted senior-level decision makers and key players from more than 140 countries representing every step of the pharmaceutical supply chain from drug discovery to finished dosage.
  On Monday, CPhI Conferences hosted the Pre-Connect with 6 modules on themes including drug delivery systems and biosimilars. The conference featured senior executives and influential industry speakers from Bayer, Novartis and Wockhardt, who leveraged their expertise and insight to educate the industry. Throughout the week, free content was available in the exhibition with sessions covering Ingredients, Contract Services, Packaging, Animal Health, Biopharma and Natural Extracts, Innovation Tours on biopharma and packaging, and Lunch Briefings on emerging markets of India and Brazil.
  With 4 different exhibitions in one (CPhI, P-MEC, InnoPack and ICSE) the event has become the world’s melting pot and key point of the year to complete new deals, see innovative technologies and meet potential partners- attendees say it’s invaluable to the industry. This year’s event held a record of 17 global pavilions to highlight different countries from each continentincluding China, India, USA and Brazil amongst others.
  The winners of the 2013 CPhI Pharma Awards were announced, h o n o u r i n g innovation across three categories(Best Innovation i n Fo r m u l a t i o n , P a c k a g i n g a n d Process Development) w h i c h w e n t t o Camurus, E-Pharma T r e n t o a n d A P I C o r p o r a t i o n , respectively.
  Another major addition to this year’s show was the introduction of CPhI Pharma Evolution- a new community website launched in February to help professionals from the pharma industry to share advice from their peers on best-practices and regulatory changes across the pharmaceutical ingredient and contract manufacturing space. The site features a wealth of stories covering the huge amounts of activity across all four days of the show, including news on all the major initiatives and company news announced.
  Chris Kilbee, Group Director of CPhI, commented:“This year’s event has been a great success with exhibitors reporting quality meetings and promising business opportunities coming out of the event. We’re pleased to expand our content offering this year with seminars, innovation tours and the release of the first Annual Report. As the pharmaceutical market continues to grow and expand, CPhI will adapt and evolve to deliver industry insights and continue to provide the best platform for developing contacts as the event returns to Paris for its 25th edition from 7–9 October 2014.”
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由博闻展览咨询有限公司(UBM Live)主办的全球制药原料领域首屈一指的展会——CPhI世界制药原料展上届展会于2013年11月在德国法兰克福闭幕。这是展会历史上尤为成功的一届。据估计,约有34,000名专业观众参观本次盛会,参展商约为2,000名。展会主要针对来自140多个国家的高层决策者和知名企业,参展范围覆盖从原料采掘到终端配药的整条制药产业链。  展、会结合,行业盛事  展会同期举办多个