有的放矢 因材施教——我省美术教学中“因材施教发展学生个性”教学模式探索

来源 :黑龙江教育学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cqxiaoguai1986
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“因材施教”是每个学生的才能品行获得最佳发展的有效手段,在美术教学中具有重要作用。要想真正做到因材施教,教师首先要全面深入细致地了解学生,因材施教才能有的放矢。同时教师还要具有广博深沉的爱、全面的综合素质,这是因材施教得以实施的保证。另外,教师还应顺应时代发展不断学习充分利用网络资源,在培养学生艺术个性上大显身手。从以上几个方面浅谈了省教研院近几年在因材施教上进行的积极努力和探索。 “Teaching students in accordance with their aptitude ” is an effective way to get the best development for every student ’s talent and conduct, which plays an important role in art teaching. In order to truly teach students in accordance with their aptitudes, teachers should first and foremost understand the students thoroughly and carefully and can only be targeted in accordance with their aptitudes. At the same time, teachers should also have extensive and profound love, a comprehensive overall quality, which is to ensure that students can be implemented according to their aptitude. In addition, teachers should also follow the development of the times and learn to make full use of network resources, to cultivate students’ artistic personality to show their talents. From the above aspects of the province in recent years, teaching and research institutes in accordance with their aptitude teaching on the positive efforts and exploration.