1999年1月22日,在庄严的国徽下,河南省人大常委会九届七次会议审议通过了《河南省民兵预备役工作条例》。这是河南省历史上第一部关于民兵、预备役工作的法规,它的颁布实施,不仅为解决一些长期困扰民兵、预备役工作的棘手问题提供了法律依据,而且使河南省的民兵、预备役工作走上了法制化的轨道。 势在必行 伴随着改革开放阔步迈进的步伐,河南省的民兵、预备役建设取得了辉煌的成就。但是,随着国家政治、经济体制改革的深入进行,民兵、预备役建设中遇到了许多新情况、新问题,也严重制约着各项工作的开展。省军区系统越来越感到过去开展民兵、预备役工作的一些行之有效的办法失灵了,工作的难度越来越大。少数基层单位以种
On January 22, 1999, under the solemn national emblem, the Standing Committee of Henan Provincial People’s Congress examined and adopted the “Regulations on the Work of Reserves for Militia in Henan Province” at the Seventh Meeting of the Ninth National People’s Congress. This is the first law and regulation on the militia and reserve work in the history of Henan Province. Its promulgation and implementation not only provided the legal basis for resolving some thorny problems that have long plagued the militia and reserve work, but also led the militia and reserve work in Henan Province On the legal track. Imperative With the pace of reform and opening up, the militia and reserve building in Henan Province has made brilliant achievements. However, with the deepening of the political and economic reforms in the country, many new situations and new problems encountered in the militia and reserve building have also severely restricted the implementation of various tasks. The provincial military region system is feeling more and more that some effective measures for militia and reserve work in the past have failed and work is getting more and more difficult. A few grass-roots units to species