目的 评价输卵管介入治疗的新方法 ,并与其它药物治疗方法比较。方法 在X线透视下 ,选用球茎导管引导 3F微细导管配 0 0 4 5cm白金头导丝 ,经阴道、宫腔插入输卵管 ,对输卵管妊娠的孕囊进行穿刺 ,并注入甲氨蝶呤。结果 2 8例患者插管均一次成功 ,2 4例患者治愈 ,治愈率为 85 71%。 4例患者因故转手术治疗 ,占 14 2 9%。 2 8例患者均未出现并发症。 5例患者术后复查 ,患侧输卵管通畅。结论 输卵管介入治疗是一种可行性的新方法 ,较其它药物保守治疗有一定的优越性 ,并且安全、经济 ,疗效高。术后部分患侧输卵管通畅 ,保留了生育能力。
Objective To evaluate the new method of tubal intervention and compare it with other medical treatments. Methods X-ray fluoroscopy was used to guide the 3F microcatheter with 0 0 4 5 cm white gold guide wire through the vagina and the uterine cavity. The gestational sac of tubal pregnancy was punctured and injected with methotrexate. Results 28 patients were successfully intubated, 24 patients were cured, the cure rate was 85 71%. 4 cases of patients due to surgical treatment, accounting for 14 2 9%. There were no complications in 28 patients. Five patients were reviewed after surgery, ipsilateral tubal patency. Conclusion Tubal interventional therapy is a feasible new method, which has some advantages over conservative treatment of other drugs and is safe, economical and effective. Part of the ipsilateral tubal patency, retained fertility.