血清α_1-抗胰蛋白酶(α_1-AT)、α_1-粘蛋白(α_1-AG)对诊断原发性肝癌(PHC)有一定意义。我们对51例PHC患者进行肝动脉栓塞治疗(TAE),发现血清α_1-AT、α_1-AG水平与患者术后的生存期、生活质量有明显关系。现报告如下。 材料与方法 一、病例选择 病例选择标准为临床确诊为PHC的住院患者,入院前均未进行过特殊治疗(手术、化疗等),入院后均经2~3次相同方案的TAE术及相同的辅助治疗现已死亡的病例。按上述标准统计1992年3月~1994年8
Serum α_1-antitrypsin (α_1-AT) and α_1-mucin (α_1-AG) have a certain significance in the diagnosis of primary liver cancer (PHC). We performed transcatheter arterial embolization (TAE) in 51 patients with PHC and found that the levels of serum α_1-AT and α_1-AG were significantly associated with postoperative survival and quality of life. The report is as follows. Materials and Methods I. Case selection Case selection criteria were clinically diagnosed PHC inpatients who had not undergone special treatment (surgery, chemotherapy, etc.) prior to hospital admission. After admission, they received 2 to 3 TAE procedures of the same protocol and the same Adjuvant treatment is now dead. Statistics according to the above-mentioned standards from March 1992 to 1994