目前市面上的饮水机品种繁多,消费者可选择的空间很大。但在选购过程中的误区却不是人人都能了解的。 误区一:饮水机都差不多,买台便宜的就行了。 目前市面上的低价饮水机,主要出自一些无产品优势的“纳米小厂”。这些小企业多靠零件组装,冒牌、贴牌生产饮水机,并以低价冲击市场,大大扰乱了市场秩序。杂牌饮水机技术不过关,盲目追求低价,因此往往使用劣质
Currently on the market a wide range of drinking fountains, consumers have a great choice of space. However, errors in the purchasing process are not understood by everyone. Misunderstanding one: drinking fountains are similar to buy cheap on the line. Currently on the market of low-cost drinking fountains, mainly from some non-product advantages of “nano small factory.” These small businesses rely on parts assembly, counterfeit, OEM production of drinking fountains and low-cost impact on the market, greatly disrupted the market order. No-name water dispenser technology, however, the blind pursuit of low prices, it is often the use of poor quality