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近年来,农村卫生事业得到长足发展,新型农村合作医疗(以下简称新农合)制度普遍建立,在服务农民健康的同时,也带动了乡镇卫生院的发展。山东省实施360和1127工程,重点建设360处乡镇中心卫生院和1127处乡镇卫生院,其做为基层的定点医疗机构,承担着为新农合参合农民提供最为及时、便捷医疗服务的重任。但我们应该看到,有些乡镇卫生院起点较低,有的甚至是从零起步,随着参合农民的健康需求不断增长,乡镇卫生院的软硬件规模相应扩大,潜在的医患纠纷呈现上升趋势。如何防范和化解潜在的医患纠纷,理应受到特别的关注。 In recent years, great achievements have been made in rural health undertakings. The establishment of a new type of rural cooperative medical system (hereinafter referred to as the “new rural cooperative medical system”) has generally been established. While serving the health of peasants, it has also led to the development of township hospitals. Shandong Province implemented 360 and 1127 projects, focusing on the construction of 360 township health centers and 1127 township health centers, which serve as grassroots fixed medical institutions, and undertake the most timely and convenient medical services for the new rural cooperative medical workers. However, we should see that some township hospitals have relatively low starting points and some even started from scratch. As the health needs of participating farmers continue to grow, the scale of hardware and software in township health centers has expanded correspondingly, and the potential disputes between doctors and patients show an upward trend . How to prevent and resolve potential medical disputes, deserves special attention.
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