两年一度的巴黎航展被公认为是世界上规模最大、展示最新技术的航空航天盛会 ,已成为世界航空技术发展的“风向标”。今年 6月在巴黎东北郊的小镇布尔歇开幕的第 44届巴黎国际航空航天展览会吸引了来自世界 43个国家 180 5个航空航天企业和相关企业 ,他们带来了各自的最新技术
The biennial Paris Air Show is considered to be the world’s largest aerospace event displaying the latest technology. It has become the “vane” of world aviation technology development. The 44th Paris International Aerospace Exhibition opened in the town of Bourges in the northeastern suburbs of Paris in June this year attracted 180 5 aerospace companies and related companies from 43 countries in the world. They brought their own latest technologies.