摘 要:本文按照上证综合指数的走势将2005年6月6日至2008年10月28日的整个样本区间划分为牛市和熊市两个样本子区间,采用样本子区间内的上证综合指数和中债总指数的对数收益率日数据,通过VAR(p)-BVGJR-GARCH(1,1)-BEKK模型实证分析了不同市态下中国股市和债市间溢出效应的异化现象。结果显示,在牛熊市中,我国股市债市间不存在均值溢出效应,但两市场间的波动溢出效应存在着显著差异。牛市时期,两市场间存在双向的波动溢出效应,但一个市场的条件方差对另一市场负冲击不存在非对称效应。而熊市时期,两市场间只存在股市对债市的单向波动溢出效应,且一个市场的条件方差对另一市场负冲击均存在非对称效应。
中图分类号:F830.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-5192(2012)04-0046-07
Dissimilation of Spillover Effect among the Chinese Stock Market and Bond
Market between Bull and Bear Markets
——An Empirical Research Based on the Shanghai Composite Indexand the China Bond Assembled Index
WANG Dong-hua1, LEI Man1, RUAN Yong-ping1, WANG Chen2
(1.The Financial Engineering Research Centre of Business School, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, China; 2.Viterbi School of Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089, USA)
Abstract:In this paper, the whole sample period is divided into two periods from 6 June 2005 to 28 October 2008, one is bull market period and another is bear market. Using the daily log return of the SHCI and the CBAI between bull and bear markets, we empirically analyze the dissimilation of spillover effect between the Chinese stock market and bond market in different market states with VAR-BVGJR-GARCH-BEKK model. The empirical results demonstrate that there aren’t significantly mutual mean spillover effects in the Chinese stock market and bond market between bull and bear markets, but distinct difference exists in the volatility spillover effect within the two financial markets between bull and bear markets. In bull market, there are remarkably the bidirectional volatility spillover effects between the two markets, whereas there isn’t the response of the one market to the negative shocks of the other market. However, in the bear market, we find evidence of unidirectional volatility spillovers from the Chinese stock market to the Chinese bond market, and there is the response of the one market to the negative shocks of the other market.
Key words:bull market; bear market; stock-bond market; spillover effect; VAR-BVGJR-GARCH-BEKK model
1 引言
在经济全球化和金融自由化的背景下,作为我国金融体系的两大重要子市场,股票市场和债券市场间的相互联系与影响应更加紧密。股市债市间此种关联性多数源于两市场间的溢出效应。两市场间的溢出效应包括均值溢出效应和波动溢出效应。股市债市间均值溢出效应是指两市场收益的信息传导,可用来反映股市债市间领先和滞后的关系;而波动溢出效应是指两市场波动的信息传导,能较好地刻画股市债市间波动传导的途径和方向,反映市场之间的信息流动过程和相互作用机理。我国股市债市间的溢出效应可以较为全面地体现两个金融市场之间的风险传递状况。由此可见,中国股票市场与债券市场间溢出效应的研究对于了解两市场间的信息传导机理以及金融政策实施都具有重要的理论和现实意义。 4 结论
本文的分析表明,不管在牛市期间还是在熊市期间,我国股票市场和债券市场间都不存在均值溢出效应,没有价格上的信息传导。这说明,我国股票市场和债券市场间的资金连通渠道缺乏,相互间没有价格引导作用,资源的二次配置无法通过价格这一因素来实现。但在牛熊时期,我国股市债市间的波动溢出效应存在异化现象。此发现表明,当股市处于牛市行情时,投资者行为活跃,必然会在两市场间频繁地进行资金流动,从而导致市场间存在双向的波动溢出效应;但市场的负冲击在牛市行情背景下会被投资者忽略,以至于不会对另一市场造成过度影响。当股市处于熊市行情时,投资者会从资金安全的角度出发,抛售股票购买债券,使得债券市场的流动性大大提高,从而导致股市的波动会显著影响债市;同时,在股市熊市行情的背景下,两个市场的利空消息都会加剧另一个市场的波动。然而,从总体来看,我国股市债市间虽然存在波动溢出效应,但是其影响系数的绝对值较小,其原因可能在于:一是我国债券交易市场分为银行间市场和交易所市场,且将银行资金限制在银行间债券市场, 严禁其进入股市,这对社会资金的转移分流配置起到了很大的限制作用,导致市场价格无法通过资金纽带联系起来;二是我国股市和债市波动要受到利率和存款准备金等因素影响,并非只由对方市场波动而引起变化。
参 考 文 献:
[1]Li Lingfeng. Macroeconomic factors and the correlation of stock and bond returns[R]. Yale ICF Working Paper No.02-46, AFA 2004 San Diego Meetings, 2002.
[2]Francis B B, Iftekhar H, Delroy H. Return-volatility linkages in the international equity and currency markets[R]. Discussion Papers 9, Bank of Finland, 2002.
[3]Wu R S. International transmission effect of volatility between the financial markets during the Asian financial crisis[J]. Transition Studies Reviews, 2005, 12(1): 19-35.
[4]Goeij D P, Marquring W. Modeling the conditional between stock and bond return: a multivariate GARCH approach[J]. Journal of Financial Economietric, 2004, 12(4): 531-564.
[5]Goeij D P, Marquring W. Stock and bond market interactions with level and asymmetry dynamics: an out-of-sample application[J]. Journal of Empirical Finance, 2009, 16(2): 318-329.
[6]Dean W G, Fall R W, Loudon G F. Asymmetry in return and volatility spillover between equity and bond markets in australia[J]. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 2010, 18(3): 272-289.
[11]Baker M, Wurgler J. Investor sentiment and the cross-section of stock returns[J]. Journal of Finance, 2006, 61(4): 1645-1680.
[12]Glosten L R, Jagannathan R, Runkle D E. On the relation between the expect value and the volatility of the nominal excess return on stock[J]. Journal of Finance, 1993, 48(5): 1779-1801.
[13]Kroner K, Ng V. Modeling asymmetric co-movements of asset returns[J]. The Review of Financial Studies, 1998, 11(4): 817-844.
[14]Engle R F, Kroner K F. Multivariate simultaneous generalized ARCH[J]. Econometric theory, 1995, 11(1): 122-150.
中图分类号:F830.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-5192(2012)04-0046-07
Dissimilation of Spillover Effect among the Chinese Stock Market and Bond
Market between Bull and Bear Markets
——An Empirical Research Based on the Shanghai Composite Indexand the China Bond Assembled Index
WANG Dong-hua1, LEI Man1, RUAN Yong-ping1, WANG Chen2
(1.The Financial Engineering Research Centre of Business School, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, China; 2.Viterbi School of Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089, USA)
Abstract:In this paper, the whole sample period is divided into two periods from 6 June 2005 to 28 October 2008, one is bull market period and another is bear market. Using the daily log return of the SHCI and the CBAI between bull and bear markets, we empirically analyze the dissimilation of spillover effect between the Chinese stock market and bond market in different market states with VAR-BVGJR-GARCH-BEKK model. The empirical results demonstrate that there aren’t significantly mutual mean spillover effects in the Chinese stock market and bond market between bull and bear markets, but distinct difference exists in the volatility spillover effect within the two financial markets between bull and bear markets. In bull market, there are remarkably the bidirectional volatility spillover effects between the two markets, whereas there isn’t the response of the one market to the negative shocks of the other market. However, in the bear market, we find evidence of unidirectional volatility spillovers from the Chinese stock market to the Chinese bond market, and there is the response of the one market to the negative shocks of the other market.
Key words:bull market; bear market; stock-bond market; spillover effect; VAR-BVGJR-GARCH-BEKK model
1 引言
在经济全球化和金融自由化的背景下,作为我国金融体系的两大重要子市场,股票市场和债券市场间的相互联系与影响应更加紧密。股市债市间此种关联性多数源于两市场间的溢出效应。两市场间的溢出效应包括均值溢出效应和波动溢出效应。股市债市间均值溢出效应是指两市场收益的信息传导,可用来反映股市债市间领先和滞后的关系;而波动溢出效应是指两市场波动的信息传导,能较好地刻画股市债市间波动传导的途径和方向,反映市场之间的信息流动过程和相互作用机理。我国股市债市间的溢出效应可以较为全面地体现两个金融市场之间的风险传递状况。由此可见,中国股票市场与债券市场间溢出效应的研究对于了解两市场间的信息传导机理以及金融政策实施都具有重要的理论和现实意义。 4 结论
本文的分析表明,不管在牛市期间还是在熊市期间,我国股票市场和债券市场间都不存在均值溢出效应,没有价格上的信息传导。这说明,我国股票市场和债券市场间的资金连通渠道缺乏,相互间没有价格引导作用,资源的二次配置无法通过价格这一因素来实现。但在牛熊时期,我国股市债市间的波动溢出效应存在异化现象。此发现表明,当股市处于牛市行情时,投资者行为活跃,必然会在两市场间频繁地进行资金流动,从而导致市场间存在双向的波动溢出效应;但市场的负冲击在牛市行情背景下会被投资者忽略,以至于不会对另一市场造成过度影响。当股市处于熊市行情时,投资者会从资金安全的角度出发,抛售股票购买债券,使得债券市场的流动性大大提高,从而导致股市的波动会显著影响债市;同时,在股市熊市行情的背景下,两个市场的利空消息都会加剧另一个市场的波动。然而,从总体来看,我国股市债市间虽然存在波动溢出效应,但是其影响系数的绝对值较小,其原因可能在于:一是我国债券交易市场分为银行间市场和交易所市场,且将银行资金限制在银行间债券市场, 严禁其进入股市,这对社会资金的转移分流配置起到了很大的限制作用,导致市场价格无法通过资金纽带联系起来;二是我国股市和债市波动要受到利率和存款准备金等因素影响,并非只由对方市场波动而引起变化。
参 考 文 献:
[1]Li Lingfeng. Macroeconomic factors and the correlation of stock and bond returns[R]. Yale ICF Working Paper No.02-46, AFA 2004 San Diego Meetings, 2002.
[2]Francis B B, Iftekhar H, Delroy H. Return-volatility linkages in the international equity and currency markets[R]. Discussion Papers 9, Bank of Finland, 2002.
[3]Wu R S. International transmission effect of volatility between the financial markets during the Asian financial crisis[J]. Transition Studies Reviews, 2005, 12(1): 19-35.
[4]Goeij D P, Marquring W. Modeling the conditional between stock and bond return: a multivariate GARCH approach[J]. Journal of Financial Economietric, 2004, 12(4): 531-564.
[5]Goeij D P, Marquring W. Stock and bond market interactions with level and asymmetry dynamics: an out-of-sample application[J]. Journal of Empirical Finance, 2009, 16(2): 318-329.
[6]Dean W G, Fall R W, Loudon G F. Asymmetry in return and volatility spillover between equity and bond markets in australia[J]. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 2010, 18(3): 272-289.
[11]Baker M, Wurgler J. Investor sentiment and the cross-section of stock returns[J]. Journal of Finance, 2006, 61(4): 1645-1680.
[12]Glosten L R, Jagannathan R, Runkle D E. On the relation between the expect value and the volatility of the nominal excess return on stock[J]. Journal of Finance, 1993, 48(5): 1779-1801.
[13]Kroner K, Ng V. Modeling asymmetric co-movements of asset returns[J]. The Review of Financial Studies, 1998, 11(4): 817-844.
[14]Engle R F, Kroner K F. Multivariate simultaneous generalized ARCH[J]. Econometric theory, 1995, 11(1): 122-150.