2月 7日,经中国人民银行批准,我国各商业银行下调了境内美元等小额外币存款利率。一年期美元存款利率由 4.125%降为 3.8125%。这是中国自去年 12月以来第三次降低境内外币存款利率。中国人民银行对此次下调利率的解释是“为了适应国际市场利率的变化”。 此前一周的 1月 31日,美国联邦储备委员会采取了今年以来的第二次降息行动——将联邦基金利率和贴现率降低了 0.5个百分点。
On February 7, approved by the People’s Bank of China, all commercial banks in China lowered their deposit rates for small foreign currency deposits such as the U.S. dollar. The one-year US dollar deposit interest rate was reduced from 4.125% to 3.8125%. This is the third time since China reduced its domestic and foreign currency deposit interest rates since December last year. The People’s Bank of China explained the interest rate cut this time “in order to adapt to changes in the international market interest rates.” On January 31 of the previous week, the Federal Reserve took the second rate cut this year - cutting the federal funds rate and discount rate by 0.5 percentage point.