一、引言森林可将吸自土壤之水蒸腾为汽,致使大量水分免于流失,而以多种形态循环于林区,从而能增加局地降水、改善水文状况。同时巨额水分的汽化要消耗大量热能,这将显著减少乱流交换的热量支出,所以能改善所在地的气候。为了给森林的这种水文与气象效应以定量估计,我们研究了大兴安岭林区兴安落叶松(Larix dahurica Turcz)、白桦(Betula Platyphylla Suka)、甜杨(Populus Suaveolens Ficher)、粉枝柳(Salix rorida Laks)四个主要树种的蒸腾强度,得到各树种蒸腾强度与气温关系的经验方程。现将结果报告于后。
I. INTRODUCTION Forests are able to steal aspiration of water absorbed from the soil, resulting in a large amount of water from being lost and circulation to forests in various forms, thus increasing local precipitation and improving hydrological conditions. At the same time, huge amount of moisture vaporization consumes a large amount of heat energy, which will significantly reduce the heat expenditure of turbulent exchange so as to improve the climate of the locality. In order to quantitatively estimate the hydrological and meteorological effects of forests, we studied the effects of Larix dahurica Turcz, Betula Platyphylla Suka, Populus Suaveolens Ficher, Salix rorida Laks), the empirical equations of the relationship between the transpiration intensity and air temperature of each species were obtained. The results are reported later.