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现代的教学理念认为教师有三不教,即“学生已经会的不教,学生能自学会的不教,教了也不会的不教”。那么,语文教师应该教些什么?怎么教?怎样才能充分发挥教师的作用呢?这就需要教师深入解读文本,充分挖掘文本的教学资源,挖掘出学生不会,也自学不会的东西,同时要研究教学方法,即采用什么方法才能把教师解读文本的思路呈现给学生,让学生能学得会,学得通。下面我们以《愚公移山》的教学为例来探讨这一问题。一、通过解字的方法进行文言词句教学,读出文章的思想文化 Modern teaching philosophy that teachers do not teach three, that is, “students will not teach, students can learn not to teach, teach will not teach”. So, what should Chinese teachers teach? How to teach? How to give full play to the role of teachers? This requires teachers to interpret the text in-depth, fully tap the text of the teaching resources, dig out the students do not, but also do not learn things, at the same time To study teaching methods, that is, what method can be used to teachers to interpret text ideas presented to students, so that students can learn, learn. Below we take the “foolish old man” teaching as an example to explore this issue. First, through the method of interpretation of words and phrases in classical teaching, read the article’s ideology and culture
盐类的水解是中学化学的重要知识点,也是教与学的重点、难点。盐类的水解对于树立学生的微粒观、守恒观以及辩证统一的思想有着非常重要的意义。在每年的高考试题中都占有相当的比例,而对于盐类水解影响因素的考查仍是重中之重。  一、盐类水解影响因素的定性分析  盐类水解易受温度、浓度、溶液的酸碱性等因素的影响,以氯化铁水解为例,当改变条件如升温、通入HCl气体、加水、加铁粉、加碳酸氢钠等时,应从移动方向、pH