1月20日上午,雨过天晴,风和日丽。三门县消防大队3名擅长防火技术的干部战士,在大队消防监督员徐志君的带领下,携带消防器具和防火宣传资料,跨洋过海,来到蛇蟠岛,检查岛上居民住宅区火险隐患。 三门县海湾辽阔,有大小岛屿60多个,岛上常住人口约1万余人。然而,该县海岛居民住房大多是木石屋,房连房,棚连棚,一间紧挨着一间。由于岛
On the morning of January 20, it was sunny and sunny. Sanmen County Fire Brigade 3 cadres and fighters who are good at fire prevention technology are led by fire brigade Xu Zhijun and carry fire-fighting equipment and fireproof propaganda materials. They cross the ocean and come to Shepan Island to inspect the residential fire danger on the island Hidden trouble. Sanmen County Bay is vast, with more than 60 large and small islands and a resident population of about 10,000 on the island. However, most of the county’s island residential buildings are wooden houses, houses, and sheds, one next to the other. Because of the island