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1895年1月20日(光绪二十年十二月二十五日),日军登陆荣成湾,抄袭威海卫后路。从1月30日日军攻占南帮炮台起,驻守刘公岛及港内的北洋海军即遭受来自岸上炮台和港外日本联合舰队的水陆夹攻。北洋舰队虽奋勇抵拒,昼夜鏖战,但伤亡日积,粮弹将罄,援军望绝。道员戴宗骞、总兵刘步蟾、提督丁汝昌、护理总兵杨用霖、记名总兵张文宣等相继自杀。2月14日,威海营务处候选道牛昶昞等与日本联合舰队司令官伊东祐亨签订《威海降约》。2月17日,日本舰队进入港内,曾经号称“亚洲第一”的北洋海军就此全军覆没。由于刘公岛电报线被切断,清政府未能及时获知威海卫的战况。光绪帝屡下电旨令北洋大臣李鸿章、直隶总督王文韶、山东巡抚李秉衡等查明威海卫战况及丁汝昌等人的情况,后又根据朝臣的奏报,几次发布谕旨,对戴宗骞等殉难阵亡将领从优议恤。战争结束后,清政府根据《北洋海军章程》,对担责官员予以查办,对殉难阵亡的北洋海军官弁兵勇给与抚恤,对受伤的官弁兵勇给发养伤银。光绪二十三年重整海军,亟需海军人才,因而对程璧光、叶祖珪、萨镇冰、蔡廷干等曾遭查办的将弁重新启用,只有对北洋海军提督丁汝昌未予议恤。1906年7月5日,袁世凯等奏请开复丁汝昌原官原衔,奏折被留中。1910年4月25日(宣统二年三月十六日)筹办海军大臣载洵再次奏请开复丁汝昌原官原衔,始获准给丁汝昌加恩开复原官原衔。本专题档案史料,选自本馆藏宫中朱批奏折、军机处录副奏折、军机处电报档、军机处洋务档、上谕档等,供研究参考。 January 20, 1895 (Guangxu twenty years on December 25), the Japanese landing Rongcheng Bay, plagiarism Weihai Wei Road. From Jan. 30, the Japanese army captured the Fort Nan Gang, the Beiyang Navy stationed in Liugongdao and the port suffers from land and sea attacks from the onshore turrets and the Japanese joint fleet outside Hong Kong. Although the Northern Fleet fought bravely against day and night fierce battle, but the plot of casualties, food will be sold out, reinforcements looked hopeless. Taoist Dai Zongqian, general Liu Buchan, Ding Ding Rutiao, general manager Lin Yong Lin, Zhang Wenxuan, chief general named suicide. On February 14, the Weihai Offshore Operational Affairs Road candidate Niu Chang-chang signed the “Weihai Redress” with the Japanese joint fleet commander Ito Yuka. On February 17, the Japanese navy entered the port and the Northern navy once known as “Asia’s first” vanished in this way. As the Liu Gong Island telegraph line was cut off, the Qing government failed to timely informed the Weihai Wei battle. Emperor Guangxu repeated the order that the northern minister Li Hongzhang, governor of Zhili Wang Wenshao, Shandong governor Li Bingheng ascertain the Weihai Wei war situation and Ding Ruchang and others, and later issued a decree based on court reports of courtiers to martyr Dai Zongqian Commissar of the fallen generals. After the war ended, the Qing government inspected the responsible officials according to the “Charter of the Northern Naval Army”, offered pensions to the Northern naval officers and martyrs who were killed in martyrdom, and wounds and wounds the officers and soldiers of the injured troops. Twenty-three years of reorganization of the navy Guangxu, the urgent need for naval personnel, and thus Cheng Bi Kwong, Ye Zuyi, Sa Zhen Bing, Cai Tinggan and other have been investigated and reopened, only to the Northern navy admiral Ding Ruchang unplanned. July 5, 1906, Yuan Shikai et al. Please open Ding Ruchang original title, memorial was left. On April 25, 1910 (March 16, 2002), the Secretary of the Navy prepared for the reelection of Ding Ruchang, a former official of the Navy, and was allowed to rehabilitate the original version of the official order of Ding Ruchang. Historical materials of this thematic archives are selected from the collection of the palace in the Zhu Zhuzhangzhu, the military aircraft at the deputy memorial fold, military telegraph files, the military machine at the Western-style files, on the archives, for research and reference.
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