谁也不能说信息产业部和财政部7 月1 日取消电话初装费和手机入网费的决定,与随后7月4 日世贸组织中国工作组第16次会议全部完成中国加入世贸组织的实质性谈判没有任何关系。因为,扩大电信市场的开放程度,曾经是中美以及中欧的双边谈判中令人关注的焦点之一。老百姓对利益的衡量是实际的,尽管国家尚未入世,中国电信业为迎接入世挑战而进行的这次壮士断臂般悲壮的改革,已经使他们切实品尝到入世给普通人的生活带来的甜头。那么,在盼了15年的入世终于有了时间表的今天,中国老百姓还可以预期入世后得到哪些实惠?
No one can say that the Ministry of Information Industry and the Ministry of Finance decided on July 1 to cancel the telephone initial installation fee and the mobile access fee and the subsequent 16th meeting of the WTO Working Group of China on July 4 completed the substantive nature of China’s accession to the WTO Negotiations have nothing to do. Because expanding the telecommunications market has been one of the major concerns in the bilateral negotiations between China and the United States and in Central Europe. The common people’s measurement of interests is real. Although this country has not yet joined the WTO, the benevolent and arduous reform carried out by the Chinese telecommunications industry to meet the challenges posed by the accession to the WTO has enabled them to really taste the benefits brought to the lives of ordinary people by entering the WTO . Well, after looking forward to joining the WTO for 15 years, we finally have a timetable today. Can ordinary people in China also expect any benefits after they join the WTO?