欧洲、亚洲以及澳大利亚有许多研究中国的机构 ,无论是专家的数量还是研究成果的数量 ,美国都占据主导地位。但在 2 0世纪 60年代 ,美国研究中国的学者由于受到学科领域其他同事的影响 ,过多地关注了中国的特殊性 ,而忽视了理论研究和比较研究。到 70年代研究重心发生了变化 ,开始更多地关注学科院系对中国的研究。西方中国研究的学者可划分为三代 :第一代对中国共产党的革命历史做了很多的研究工作 ,第二代是西方研究高层政治的高潮阶段 ,第三代开始关注改革阶段
There are many institutions in China, Europe, Asia, and Australia that study China. Both the number of experts and the number of research results have led the United States to dominate. However, in the 1960s, scholars in China in the United States, having been influenced by other colleagues in the academic field, paid too much attention to the particularity of China while ignoring theoretical research and comparative research. By the 1970s, the focus of research had changed, and more attention began to be paid to the research of academic departments in China. The scholars of western China studies can be divided into three generations: the first generation did a lot of research work on the revolutionary history of the Chinese Communist Party; the second generation was the climax phase of western high-level politics and the third generation began to pay attention to the reform phase