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历史学科渗透德育教育,既是一个久远的话题,又是一个新的课题。在新形势下如何深化历史德育教育,以充分发挥历史学科得天独厚的德育教育优势,这是广大历史教师共同关注的问题,又是一个迫切需要解决的现实问题。我们感到,要使历史德育进一步深化,除了方法的更加科学化、多样化、新颖化之外,还必须使德育内容具体化、系统化和序列化。 (一) 苏联著名的教育家苏霍姆林斯基曾经说过:“具体事实的知识对于形成观点和信念起着很大的作用”。“历史叙述法应当始终用丰富的鲜明生活的事实来揭示政治思想和道德思想”。历史本来就是具体的。具体是历史学科的特点。通过具体的历史教学来完成德育教育的任务,不仅符合历史学科的特点,也符合德育教育的原则。 History disciplines infiltrating moral education are both a long-term topic and a new topic. How to deepen education in history and moral education in the new situation so as to give full play to the unique advantages of history education in moral education is a common concern of the vast number of history teachers. It is also an urgent issue that needs to be resolved. We feel that in order to deepen historical moral education, besides being more scientific, diversified, and innovative, we must also make the content of moral education concrete, systematic, and serialized. (1) Suhomlinski, the famous Soviet educator, once said: “The knowledge of specific facts plays a major role in forming opinions and beliefs.” “Historical narrative law should always reveal the political ideology and moral ideology with rich and vivid facts.” History is inherently specific. It is specifically the characteristics of the history discipline. The task of completing moral education through specific history teaching not only conforms to the characteristics of the historical discipline, but also conforms to the principles of moral education.
目的观察红藤汤保留灌肠配合穴位注射治疗慢性盆腔炎的临床效果。方法 80例慢性盆腔炎患者,随机分为治疗组与对照组,各40例。治疗组采用红藤汤保留灌肠配合穴位注射治疗,对照
依据多维贫困理论及中国农村贫困实际状况,利用2016年对甘肃省1 749家农户的社会调查资料,对样本农户的多维贫困现状进行了测算和分解,并对导致贫困的原因进行了Probit回归分