药用五味子为木兰科植物五味子Schisandra chinensis(Turcz)Baill的成熟果实,在我国五味子属植物约有18种,历来认为东北五味子质量最好。中医应用北五味子已有悠久历史,古代医药学家对北五味子的中枢神经系统和循环系统的调节作用等已早有所认识,并应用于治疗。中医常用作补虚益气的强壮剂,并有生津除烦、养五脏、明目、壮筋骨等多种功效。豨莶草为菊科植物豨莶Siegesbeckia orientalis L.、腺梗豨莶S.pubescens makino或毛梗豨莶S.glabrescens makino的全草,具有祛风湿,利筋骨,降血压的功效。中药多种治疗高血压的配方中均含有豨莶草。五味子和豨莶草均已收载于中国药典,属于比较成熟
Medicinal Schisandra chinensis is a mature fruit of Schisandra chinensis (Turcz) Baill, a magnoliaceae plant. There are about 18 species of Schisandra in China, and it is believed that the quality of Schisandra chinensis is best. The Chinese traditional medicine application Schisandra has a long history, and ancient medical scientists have early understanding of the central nervous system and circulatory system of Schisandra chinensis and have applied it to treatment. Traditional Chinese medicine is often used as a tonic tonic, and has a variety of functions such as removing irritability, raising five internal organs, improving eyesight, and strengthening muscles. The grass is a whole plant of the Asteraceae family Siegesbeckia orientalis L., S. pubescens makino or S.glabrescens makino. It has the effect of removing rheumatism, bones, and lowering blood pressure. Herbal formulas for the treatment of hypertension contain valerian. Schisandra chinensis and barnyardgrass have been included in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia and are relatively mature.