1999年10月24日至11月4 日,以律师公证司副司长贾午 光为团长的司法部外国律师管理制度考察团一行7人对德国、英国进行了为期两周的考察访问。代表团成员有国务院法制办政法司副司长丁锋、北京市司法局局长助理吴文彦、司法部律师公证司涉外处处长何敏、国家工商?
From October 24 to November 4, 1999, a delegation of 7 members of the delegation from the Ministry of Justice headed by Jia Wuguang, deputy director of the Notary Office of Notaries, conducted a two-week study tour to Germany and the United Kingdom. The delegation members include Ding Fen, deputy director of the Legal Department of the State Council, Wu Wenyan, assistant to the director of Beijing Bureau of Justice, He Min, director of foreign affairs department of notarial department of the Ministry of Justice, and State Administration for Industry and Commerce.