Carrying out labor education for students - training students to respect and cherish the thoughts and feelings of labor and recognizing the habit of working in labor - is an important part of educating students in the spirit of the general line of the country’s transitional period. In the past, schools in various places did not do enough in this aspect. Of course, there are many reasons for this. The lack of books on labor education, resulting in the general theory and practical experience of teachers, have no basis, can not be said that one of the reasons. The “struggle to strengthen labor education” is a book that is specifically compiled to meet the urgent needs of school teachers and introduces Soviet labor education theories and conditions and the experience of implementing labor education. The 12 articles compiled in this book were translated from several educational newspapers published in the Soviet Union such as “Soviet Pedagogy”, “elementary school”, “preschool education”, “family and school”, and “teacher’s newspaper.” The book, “Cultivating Students’ Attitudes toward Labor and Public Property in Communism” and "