无门图书馆 育人大智慧——从宁波市鄞州高级中学的“无门图书馆”谈开去

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2006年开馆的宁波市鄞州高级中学图书馆,从一开始就推行无门化监管——“无门无管理员,图书任师生自助借阅”。经过几年的努力,这一开放的举措带动了全校风气的转变,也引起了极大的关注,人们惊呼“无门图书馆给全民上了一堂诚信课”。其实,从无门化监管的举措中,我们还可感受到其以人为本的高超思想。可以说,“无门图书馆”是一堂充满智慧的育人课程。 Ningbo Yinzhou High School Library opened in 2006, from the outset to implement the door of supervision - “no door without the administrator, the library teacher or student self-borrow ”. After several years of hard work, this opening move has led to a change in the ethos of the whole school. It has also caused great concern. People exclaim “There is no library for the whole nation to take a lesson in integrity.” In fact, we can still feel its superb people-oriented thinking from the unmonitored measures. It can be said, “no library ” is a wise educational course.