九派浔阳郡 分明似画图——九江市创建国家园林城市工作纪实

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九江市位于江西省北部,地处长江水道与京九铁路构成的“黄金十字架”的中心,为长江黄金水道沿岸十大港口城市之一,也是江西省唯一的沿江对外开放和外贸港口城市。近年来,市委、市政府紧紧围绕“两区”互动,强工兴城,科学发展,奋起赶超的发展战略,坚持不懈地推进中心城区建设,不断提升人居环境。2008年,市委、市政府提出突出抓好园林绿化建设,努力创建国家园林城市的工作目标。2009年,建成 Located in the northern part of Jiangxi Province, Jiujiang City is located at the center of the “Golden Cross” formed by the Yangtze River Channel and the Beijing-Kowloon Railway. It is also one of the top ten port cities along the Yangtze golden waterway and the only port city open to the outside world and foreign trade in Jiangxi Province . In recent years, the municipal party committee and municipal government closely around the “two areas ” interactive, strong Xingcheng, scientific development, catch up catch up development strategy, unswervingly promote the central city area construction, and constantly improve the living environment. In 2008, the municipal party committee and municipal government put forward the goal of giving prominence to the construction of landscaping and making efforts to create a national garden city. Built in 2009
初二那年,苏印骑一辆跑狼,终日穿行在城市的街道。早晨,从城南的家中出发,晚上,自城北的学校回来。每日清晨那半片淡色的羞怯的月亮和晚上归家路上的橘色路灯,见证着苏印奔波的情形。  本来苏印是在家门口的三中读书的,因为马上初三,要升高中,父亲铆足了劲要他考重点。三中的教学质量不过一般,父亲托了好久不联系的熟人,把苏印转到了城北的二中。  那已经是初二下学期了,正是功课最紧张的时候。苏印去了二中,那感觉