WHO提出了全球 2 0 0 0年消灭脊髓灰质炎 (简称脊灰 )的规划 ,1 991年中国政府庄严承诺要在1 995年消灭脊灰 ,安徽省于 1 990年建立了脊灰监测系统 ,1 0年来该系统在查明脊灰的发病情况 ,确定消灭脊灰策略等方面发挥了重要作用。1 资料与方法1 .1 资料来源 全省疫情资料、急
WHO put forward the global plan for polio eradication (referred to as polio) in 2001. In 1991, the Chinese government solemnly promised to eradicate polio in 1959. Anhui Province established the polio monitoring system in 1990, In the past 10 years, the system has played an important role in identifying the incidence of polio and in determining polio eradication strategies. 1 Materials and Methods 1 .1 Source of information The epidemic situation in the province, urgent