胸膜外油胸后在油胸处并发恶性间应瘤,甚少报导,现报道一例如下: 患者男性,69岁,住院号(62457),1977年8月23日入院。1936年患左上肺结核空洞,在某医院接受胸膜外油胸治疗(何种油剂不详),术后40年,未见特殊,入院前一年咳嗽,小量咯血,低热,消瘦。入院检查:体弱、贫血病容,左上胸部呼吸音弱,叩诊浊音。实验室检查:血色素4.4g,白血球5600/mm~3,血沉70mm/h,痰结
Extrapleural pleural pleural sternum is complicated with malignant lesions at the breast thoracodorsum. It is rarely reported. One case is reported as follows: The patient was male, 69 years old, hospitalized (62457) and admitted to hospital on August 23, 1977. In 1936, he suffered from left upper pulmonary tuberculosis and was treated with an extrapleural oil chest in a hospital. After 40 years, he had no special symptoms. He had coughing for a year before admission, a small amount of hemoptysis, fever, and weight loss. Admission examination: frail, anemic disease, breath sounds on the left upper chest, di? Laboratory examination: hemoglobin 4.4g, white blood cell 5600/mm~3, ESR 70mm/h, knot