沈阳的“慕马大案”算是尘埃落定了。沈阳有关方面也努力进行励精图治,提出“南有广州,北有沈阳”的宏伟构想。然而,这番雄心壮志在实施中遇到了实施者的无形且无情的阻挠,前进路上遇到一块块“绊脚石”,这些“绊脚石”,隐性很好,不易发现;粘性又强,不易踢开。 这是什么宝物?这是“反腐败后遗症”。中新社沈阳4月16日消息:最近,沈阳市市长陈政高在全市纠风工作会议上强调:要彻底根治“原来给钱办事,现在不
Shenyang’s “Mu Mu case” be regarded as the dust settled. The relevant parties in Shenyang also tried hard to make achievements and proposed the magnificent idea of “having Guangzhou in the south and Shenyang in the north”. However, this ambition met with the invisible and unforgiving obstruction of the implementers in its implementation. Encountering a block of “stumbling blocks” along the way, these “stumbling blocks” were very hidden and not easy to find; they were sticky and hard to kick . What is this treasure? This is the “anti-corruption sequelae.” China news agency, Shenyang, April 16 news: Recently, Shenyang City Mayor Chen Zhenggao rectification work in the city meeting stressed: to completely eradicate "the original money to do things, and now not