对2007年版《中国科技期刊引证报告》(核心版)收录的291种高校学报的开放存取(Open Access,OA)状况进行了调查。结果显示:291种学报中自建网站的185种,占63.6%;实现全文OA的34种,占11.7%,其中,有26种学报为读者提供了论文的即时OA,有8种学报的OA滞后半年或以上。全文OA回溯至创刊之初的只有2种,分别是《清华大学学报》(1915年创刊)和《南京农业大学学报》(1956年创刊);回溯至2000年以后的最多,为29种,有9种从2007年才开始实行OA。调查中还发现,在网站上仅有论文摘要的学报44种,仅有题名信息的学报43种。还对高校学报实现OA的可行性和必要性进行了分析。
The Open Access (OA) status of 291 university journals included in the 2007 edition of the Chinese Science and Technology Journals Citation Report (core edition) were investigated. The results showed that among the 291 kinds of journals, 185 were self-built websites, accounting for 63.6% of the total; 34 kinds of full-text OA were achieved, accounting for 11.7%. Among them, 26 kinds of journals provided the readers instant OA and 8 kinds of OA Lag six months or more. The full text of OA back to the beginning of the beginning of only two kinds, namely “Journal of Tsinghua University” (founded in 1915) and “Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University” (founded in 1956); dating back to 2000 after the most, Nine kinds of OA started from 2007. The survey also found that there were 44 journals with only abstracts on the website and 43 journals with only title information. The feasibility and necessity of realizing OA in university journals are also analyzed.