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青少年运动员进行早期力量训练是其尽早掌握专项运动技术和运动成绩稳定提高的基础。通过力量训练,可以使身体形成良好的发育态势,能够有效地预防运动损伤,保证训练效果。但是,由于青少年运动员身体各项机能发展尚未成熟,不能够按照成年运动员的方式进行训练,必须遵循一定的训练特点和发展原则。一、青少年运动员力量训练的特点青少年在12岁之前骨骼系统正处于发育成长期,此阶段骨密质较薄,骨组织中的水分和胶质较 Early strength training of adolescent athletes is the basis for mastering the special sports techniques and improving the sports scores as soon as possible. By strength training, you can make the body form a good momentum of development, can effectively prevent sports injuries and ensure the training effect. However, because the juvenile athletes’ body function development is not yet mature and can not be trained as adult athletes, certain training features and principles of development must be followed. First, the characteristics of young athletes strength training Adolescents before the age of 12 in the skeletal system is in development and growth stage, thinning at this stage, the bone tissue of water and glial more
<正> 为贯彻训练工作会议突出单项、全面提高的精神,苏州市体委经过努力,将原三间仓库用房,改建成长十五米、宽五米、深一点一八米的室内儿童游泳池。整个工程雇用了五名泥木