
来源 :石油政工研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zxc569148889
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正确引导、有效激发职工们保持昂扬向上、奋发振作的精神状志,使他们满腔热情地投身改革,参与管理,对油田的改革、稳定和发展至关重要。那么,怎样才能进一步提高思想政治工作的有效性呢?一、树立良好的领导形象是提高思想政治工作有效性的关键古人云:“其身正。不令而行;其身不正,虽令不从”。领导干部的一言一行都会在职工群众中产生重大影响,领导干部的形象直接影响职工群众对党的认识和对油田改革的态度。领导干部形象主要体现在“一把手”和“领导班子”身上,他们如果政治坚定、勤政廉洁、团结协作、光明磊落、公道正派、民主务实、尊重科学、富于开拓,就能在职工群众中享有崇高的威信,形成强大的、正面的感召力;反之,任你言辞美妙如歌,职工群众也不会买你的“账”。例如,提拔干部时,若提拨不学无术、溜须拍马、两面三刀、贪赃枉法之人,就会严重伤害忠于党和人民.正直正派、勤 Correctly guiding and effectively motivating workers to maintain their spirits and energetic spirit requires them to devote themselves enthusiastically to reform and participation in management. They are crucial to the reform, stability and development of oil fields. So, how can we further improve the effectiveness of ideological and political work? First, establish a good leadership image is to improve the effectiveness of ideological and political work The ancients said: “The body is correct. The body is not correct, though not From”. Every word and deeds of leading cadres will have a significant impact among the workers and the masses. The image of leading cadres will directly affect the awareness of the workers and the masses in the party and the attitude towards the oilfield reform. The image of leading cadres is mainly reflected in the “top leaders” and “leading bodies.” If they are politically determined, diligent and honest, united and upbeat, fair and honest, democratic and pragmatic, respect for science, and pioneering, they will enjoy the workers’ Lofty prestige, forming a strong, positive charisma; the other hand, your speech wonderful wonderful song, the workers and the masses will not buy your “account.” For example, if cadres are promoted, they will seriously hurt their loyalty to the party and the people if they call for appropriation, negligence, slaughtering, maneuvering and corruption.
1发病经过与调查情况患儿,男,2006-02-19出生,于2008-10-1510:00左右在某预防接种门诊接种季节性流行性感冒(流感)病毒裂解疫苗(Influenza Virus Burst Vaccine,InfV-B)1剂(