第71届国际图书馆协会与机构联合会(以下简称国际图联)大会于2005年8月13—8月20日在挪威首都奥斯陆召开, 来自世界各国的3096名注册代表(包括大约170名来自中国大陆和中国香港、台湾、澳门地区的代表)聚集一堂,讨论世界图书馆事业发展的重大问题。1大会基本概况本次大会的主题是“发现之旅”(Voyage of Discovery)。按照惯例,大会分为三大部分:12一13日是国际图联各层委员会机构会议;14-18日是年会主体部分;19-20日是国际图联各个机构会议。从专业角度讲,国际图联年会主要内容是14-18 日的全体大会和学术会议。
The 71st International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (hereinafter referred to as IFLA) Conference was held in Oslo, the capital of Norway, from August 13 to August 20, 2005. The 3096 registered representatives from around the world (including about 170 from Representatives from mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macao, gathered together to discuss major issues concerning the development of the world’s library. 1 General Information General Assembly The theme of this conference is “Voyage of Discovery.” By convention, the General Assembly is divided into three parts: 12-13 is the IFLA committees at all levels of the Commission; 14-18 is the main part of the annual meeting; 19-20 is the IFLA meetings of various agencies. From a professional point of view, the main content of the IFLA Annual Meeting is the 14-18 General Assembly and academic conferences.