具有高速抗噪声差动通信能力的 RS485信令标准已相当普遍地应用于工业领域。另一方面,单端异步RS232还在继续使用,而且偶而还需要在使用这些不兼容标准的器件之间配上I/O接口。很多商用接口器件的价格偏高,而且大多数只能与支持“调制解调器挂钩”信号的全功?
RS485 signaling standards with high-speed, anti-noise differential communication capabilities have become quite common in the industrial arena. On the other hand, single-ended asynchronous RS232 continues to be used, and occasionally I / O interfaces are required between devices that use these incompatible standards. Many commercial interface devices are priced high, and most of them only work with full power to support “modem hook” signals.