It is an important and urgent task for the State-owned enterprises to extricate themselves from reform as soon as possible in the face of all sectors of society concerned. In this regard, theorists and business communities are actively exploring and trying various ways and means. This article puts forward some personal opinions and ideas by analyzing the relationship between managers, producers and corporate capital, and the effect and impact of such relationship on the rise and fall of state-owned enterprises. First, the need to reform the composition of the capital of state-owned enterprises (A) the drawbacks of state-owned enterprises determine the necessity. One of the drawbacks: the “vacuum” status among managers, producers and corporate capital has caused the contradiction between the pursuit of the maximization of personal wealth and the preservation and appreciation of corporate capital. Market economy is to maximize the pursuit of wealth by individuals as the driving force for the development of society and the development of productive forces. It is up to this point that state-owned enterprises are enterprises under “ownership by the whole people.” Representatives of state-owned assets are virtually unrealized. It is not only impossible to establish true value among the driving forces behind the pursuit of the maximization of personal wealth by the entrepreneur and the producer,