
来源 :环球法律评论 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangyutinglzl
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With the growth of law from traditional society to modern time, the spirit of law has developed from tribal or national to international, from religious to secular, from emotional to rational and from prerogative to equal. The development of spirit of law has brought the universality, secularity, rationality and equality to law. With the growth of law from traditional society to modern time, the spirit of law has developed from tribal or national to international, from religious to secular, from emotional to rational and from prerogative to equal. The development of spirit of law has brought the universality , secularity, rationality and equality to law.
Quality Phrase挖掘是从文本语料库中提取有意义短语的过程,是文档摘要、信息检索等任务的基础。然而现有的无监督短语挖掘方法存在候选短语质量不高、Quality Phrase的特征
目的分析分离自徐州市儿童医院收治患儿的601株肠杆菌对头孢曲松、头孢他啶、头孢替坦耐药及交叉耐药情况。方法分离自徐州市儿童医院收治患儿的601株肠杆菌,采用Vitek-2 com