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Little has been done in measurement and research of the flux of CH4 emission from paddy fields in Changchun area, Jilin Province, China before 1994. So the purpose of the study is to offer available regional data of CH4 emission flux and to discuss the factors which affect CH4 emission from paddy fields. Experimental paddy fields are chosen using TM pictures respectively in Xinlicheng (43° 49′ N, 125° 20′ E) of the Yitong River’s and in Wanchang (43° 44′ 10″ N, 125° 53′ 11″ E) of the Yinma River’s alluvial plain. The fluxes of CH4 emission from paddy fields are measured by the method of static chamber in Changchun area in 3 consecutive years. The research results show that the peak of CH4 emission from paddy fields occurs during the booting stage. The mean fluxes of CH4 emission are 7.056 mg/(m2· h) and 0.489 mg/(m2· h) in the paddy fields of flood and discontinuous irrigation respectively. The contrastive study holds that climate condition, the way of water management and fertilizer variation have significant influence on fluxes of CH4 emission from paddy fields. The difference of climatic conditions causes the interannual change of the flux of CH4 emission from paddy fields. In general, the flux of CH4 emission from paddy fields of flood irrigation is greater than that from paddy fields of discontinuous irrigation. To change the way of water management perhaps is an available way to reduce CH4 emission flux from paddy fields. Little has been done in measurement and research of the flux of CH4 emission from paddy fields in Changchun area, Jilin Province, China before 1994. So the purpose of the study is to offer available regional data of CH4 emission flux and to discuss the factors which Effect CH4 emission from paddy fields. Experimental paddy fields are chosen using TM pictures respectively in Xinlicheng (43 ° 49 ’N, 125 ° 20’ E) of the Yitong River’s and in Wanchang (43 ° 44 ’10 “N, 125 ° 53 ’11 ”E) of the Yinma River’s alluvial plain. The fluxes of CH4 emission from paddy fields are measured by the method of static chamber in Changchun area in 3 consecutive years. The research results show that the peak of CH4 emission from paddy fields occurs During the booting stage. The mean fluxes of CH4 emission are 7.056 mg / (m2 h) and 0.489 mg / (m2 h) in the paddy fields of flood and discontinuous irrigation respectively. The contrastive study holds that climate condition, the way of water managemen t and fertilizer variation have significant influence on fluxes of CH4 emission from paddy fields. The difference of climatic conditions causes the interannual change of the flux of CH4 emission from paddy fields. In general, the flux of CH4 emission from paddy fields of flood irrigation is greater than that from paddy fields of discontinuous irrigation. To change the way of water management maybe is an available way to reduce CH4 emission flux from paddy fields.
导演:J·J·艾布斯 J.J. Abrams  主演:克里斯·派恩 Chris Pine  艾瑞克·巴纳 Eric Bana  类型:动作/历险/科幻  片长:126分钟  国内发行:中影/华夏  国际发行:派拉蒙  上映日期:2009年5月15日(中国)      剧情    本片讲述了《星舰迷航》早期的故事。可可当时还是一个自高自大的愤青,到处惹是生非。他在爱荷华与星际战队学院一同战斗时,派克
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