
来源 :农药市场信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guannipishiwori
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据从黑龙江省各市县农药市场需求调查分析,2000年全省农药需求总量在3万吨左右,总量与上年基本持平。预计农药市场形势呈大部农药品种货源充足,供大于求,价格相对平稳,市场动销较晚,高毒,长残效农药淡出,生物农药和低价位农药销量有上升趋势。农药供应总量充足,供远大于求。从全国看,国内农药生产能力已达70万吨,而需求仅为35万吨左右。该省是使用农药大省,所用农药虽然大量来自外省,但货源充足供应渠道畅通,完全可以满足需求。进口农药有的品种可能短缺。我国在进口农药的原则是进口那些对国内有推动作用的新产品和国内已有生产或数量上不能满足的产品并限量进口。由于进口农药受配额的限制,有些品种将受关税和增加进口数量的影响,进口农药部分品种可能在短期内出现短缺。 According to the investigation and analysis of the pesticide market demand in cities and counties of Heilongjiang Province, the total pesticide demand in the province was around 30,000 tons in 2000, and the total amount was basically the same as that of the previous year. It is expected that the situation of the pesticide market will show that most of the pesticide species have sufficient sources of supply, supply exceeds demand, prices are relatively stable, the market is moving late, and high-toxicity, long-lived pesticides fade out, and sales of biopesticides and low-priced pesticides are on the rise. The total supply of pesticides is sufficient, far exceeding supply. From the national perspective, the domestic pesticide production capacity has reached 700,000 tons, while the demand is only about 350,000 tons. The province is a large province of pesticides. Although a large number of pesticides are used in other provinces, there are sufficient supply channels for supply and it can fully meet the demand. Some varieties of imported pesticides may be in short supply. The principle of China’s import of pesticides is the import of new products that have a role in promoting the domestic market, and products that are already domestically or quantitatively unsatisfactory, and have limited imports. Since the import of pesticides is subject to quota restrictions, some varieties will be affected by tariffs and increased imports, and some varieties of imported pesticides may be in short supply in the short term.
成山橡胶集团去年出口创汇 1 80 0万美元 ,同比增长 2 9% ;今年 1~ 3月份则出口轮胎 2 0 .3万套、创汇 684万美元 ,同比分别增长 2 .93倍和 2 .57倍。他们之所以能取得这样好
产业技术升级不仅需要依靠企业的技术创新 ,还需要相关产业的技术渗透、转移和融合。通过多年来的技术改造和技术引进 ,以电子信息技术、生物工程技术、新型能源技术、新材料
经过 10年的充实和布局调整 ,绍兴中国轻纺城丝绸产品的结构及品种已趋向合理。随着市场产品的系列化 ,经营的规模化 ,场内已形成阶段性交替经营的格局 ,丝绸产品已成为中国
建设工程勘察设计是工程建设的灵魂 ,是将科学技术成果转化为现实生产力的主要环节 ,同时又是节约建设投资合理配置资源、发挥建设工程综合效益的重要阶段。尤其关键的是设计
随着市场经济的确立 ,对项目实行承包经营的重要性已越来越得到人们的共识。以工程项目为中心的核算 ,目的是通过核算将工程项目的各项消耗指标有效地控制在标准范围内 ,用最
中国科协继 1 999年 1 0月在浙江省杭州市成功举办了首届学术年会 ,为贯彻落实中央关于西部大开发的战略决策 ,定于今年 9月 1 7日至 2 0日在陕西省西安市举办第二届学术年会
咨询业是我国新兴的服务产业 ,也是当今世界一个方兴未艾的知识产业。工程造价咨询业是面向社会接受委托 ,提供与工程造价有关的业务服务 ,具有专业性、技术性、公正性和社会