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去年以来,“创客”、“互联网+”等词成为社会各界的高频热门用语,全国上下掀起创新创业热潮。在这样的背景下,举办“i创杯”互联网创新创业大赛,一方面是对国家号召的有力呼应,另一方面,正如大赛一直宣传和强调的,是为了整合、对接互联网创新创业资源,展示、宣传我省互联网创新创业成果,在江苏大力营造互联网创新创业文化。 Since last year, the words like “Makerkeeper” and “Internet + ” have become the high-frequency hot words in various circles in the society and the upsurge of innovation and entrepreneurship has been set off across the country. In this context, holding the “i Cup ” Internet Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, on the one hand is a strong echo of the national call, on the other hand, as the competition has been publicized and emphasized in order to integrate, docking Internet innovation and entrepreneurship resources , Display, promote the Internet innovation and entrepreneurship in our province, in Jiangsu to create a strong culture of innovation and entrepreneurship.
第一场霜降下来以后,云南纳西鹰猎文化节拉开了序幕,吸引了众多国内外的鹰猎爱好者。金达老爹因为儿子出事一病不起,由女儿铃铛代替他出席。石向南以记者身份很容易接近铃铛,这让木雄风有些不舒服,却又无可奈何。木雄风是和铃铛兄妹一起长大的,三个人感情很好。自从哥哥金鹏和他一起进山出了事,他和铃铛之间就有了隔阂。    这天活动刚结束,只见一个孩子跑过来说:“铃铛姐,有个采药人在江心坡被金雕袭击了!”铃铛的哥
Tibetan culture not only includes subtle and profound spiritual treasures,but also rich and complicated village regulations and folk conventions including uniqu
山东宁津县人武部多年来注重发挥典型示范作用,促进和带动了全县民兵预备役工作的开展,多项工作先后受到省军区、军分区的表彰。 Over the years, Ningjin County People’
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