亲爱的朋友,当此文刊发之际,正值中国西藏攀登14座世界8000米以上高峰探险队向第七个目标——世界第五高峰马卡鲁峰发起挑战。谨以此文遥祝他们马到成功! 山高路险,天寒地冻。勇士们,山上的弟兄们,一路保重! ——编者 海拔8000米,是一个接天领地,浮出云海,直吻苍穹的圣地。她耸立在喜玛拉雅山脉和喀拉昆仑山脉之上。 整个世界拥有14座地球之巅,而这全部14座8000米以上的高峰都依偎在亚洲的怀抱里,中国拥有9座,其余5座散布于尼泊尔、巴基斯坦等地。 数十年来,多少登山家梦想着踏遍这地球之巅,成就超越人类极限的空前伟业。然而,无法预料的
Dear friends, when this article was published, it was just at the time when China Tibet climbed 14 peak expeditions of more than 8000 meters in the world to challenge the seventh goal, the fifth peak in the world, Makalu Peak. I wish this article to wish them far away success! Mountain Road insurance, frosty. Warriors, mountain brothers, take care! - Editor 8,000 meters above sea level, is a day after day, surfaced, kissing the sky of the Holy Land. She stands above the Himalayas and Karakoram mountains. The whole world has 14 summits of the earth. All 14 peaks above 8,000 meters are nestled in the embrace of Asia. China has 9 and the remaining 5 are scattered in Nepal and Pakistan. For decades, many mountaineers have dreamed of traveling all over the top of the earth to accomplish the unprecedented cause of exceeding human limits. However, unpredictable